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A Solution to Waste Plastics (All Tweets from Twitter)

Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_: 4/1/2022

Perhaps we should have “sequestered” the waste plastic instead of “recycling” it. I never believed it was being recycled anyway. I would be willing to stuff it into yet another (vacuum storage sealed) bag, perhaps blue, and store under solar farm panels. Plenty of unused acreage.

Tweet from Terrycloth @terrycloth11

I think that's what happens now that China stopped accepting it? It gets pressed into bales but the bales just get stored indefinitely because there's nothing useful to do with it.

Tweet from John Farnan @johnfphotos: 4/1/2022

The Scot gov has forked quarter of a billion to keep a shipyard with 400 people “afloat” £3000 per day for a turnaround dir who’s succeeded in turning nothing round.

The yards that bad the ferries are years behind & scotgov offshored new builds, even with their own shipyard

Tweet from John Farnan @johnfphotos: 4/1/2022

Should have read sane and logical thinking to the approach ?? Something government funding never factors in… it’s like loadsa money as it’s not really their money

Tweet from John Farnan @johnfphotos: 4/1/2022

Yup ... the solar panels could potentially be higher up and wider spaced so there could at least be some fecking use for the land below.

However the government grants to set these things up, probably don’t cover the cost of any sane sensible and logical things to the approach!

Tweet from Photomi7ch @photomi7ch: 4/1/2022

Just think how much better off we would be if someone factored in logic when planning and funding

Tweet from Photomi7ch @photomi7ch: 4/1/2022

Don't get me started on the stupidity of fields of solar panels so close to the ground that it cannot be used for anything else

Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_: 4/1/2022

Ok, then, it is decided: We shall give a contract to the shipyard to build frame structures to lift the solar panels up maybe 25 ft. They shall also bag and vacuum seal the waste plastic and put it underneath. There, we have solved the country's problems!

Tweet from Photomi7ch @photomi7ch: 4/2/2022

I missed this yesterday are they not call house roof's at 25ft. Here is an idea for the government if they were serious about lowering household bills fit solar panels to everyone's roof to off set some of the cost of energy I know radical man

Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_: 4/2/2022

Actually, you’ve hit it. What comes around.

We shall put all new housing under the panels of the solar farms.


Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_: 4/2/2022

Forgot to mention: and stored underneath the new housing will be the sequestered sealed vacuum bags of waste plastic. Ok, I can go get coffee.

Tweet from Wyld Green Apothecary @wyldgrnpothcry: 4/2/2022

I’m down… take it a step further and make the houses those hobbit style that are IN the mounded ground so they require less to heat and air condition, with an added bonus of extra garden space. I volunteer!

Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_: 4/2/2022

Yes, I am sure extra garden space will be available in the rows between the solar panels. It is starting to sound better and better!

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