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The Future of Social Media (All Tweets from Twitter)

Tweet from Heidi Legg @heidilegg: 3/28/2022

Ok! Innovation usually loves faster than regulation. Talk to me about social media platforms. Bring on the innovators.

Tweet from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_:

Heidi, two questions: Did Capt. Kirk have a mouse and keyboard? and when you are wearing a VR headset, can you look up and see your surroundings in AR? These not addressed yet as integrated solution. When phones have 2 cams for depth perception, we will know we are progressing.

Tweet from Heidi Legg @heidilegg: 4/2/2022

Are you suggesting that a headset will help us know: who funds/owns a news org, if they have a conflict of interest in topics they are pushing, if an ethics policy exists, journalists and editors paid a living wage, and if it’s actually journalism? Can’t happen fast enough!

Answer from Climate Change Control @ClimateChangeC_:

I am suggesting exactly that. We have some of that capability available to us right now. Imagine if you would: While you are accomplishing a social media task on your device, you could, on the same or different screen or device, bring up another window and search for answers to those very questions. You could ask, “Does the owner of this program I’m using act in an ethical way?” You will find an answer.

Assuming Capt. Kirk did not have a keyboard or mouse, his environment existed on the bridge of his ship and his interface to his equipment was entirely by voice commands. At any time he could look up and interact with all around him.

From the technical side of things, we need to have that type of interface available to us. You will be able to keep the headset on. You will be able to look up and see in the headset your surroundings with depth perception via the dual cameras looking out. You will converse with your social media to accomplish your work. Then, at any time, you will be able to ask whatever questions you want. You will be able to look up and see (and hear) the answers on a different part of the “screen” and interact with those around you. Roddenberry had it right but it will still take time to get there. I worked in that area and got pretty far. The real challenge will be trusting the answers you get.

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